Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This is Karlskirche, it was commissioed y charles V or VI, I do't rememer, ad dedicated to St. Charles who was a lot like father Damie. He helped people who had the plague, ut I have't foud out how he died yet. Is't it gorgeous? I took a to of pictures, ear with me. The etrace is gree, ad the the pillars ad arches are roma (victory arcitecture). Its a aroque church, very usy. So you go through the paga church ad leave it ehid to go ito the Christia oe. They are reovatig righ tow so we took a elevator i it that took us really high up ad the climed all these stairs up to the top of the dome. It was amazig, these the millios of pictures.

The marel i the church is most artificial (we doot like the word fake). Just like this ehid me. Its rick that has ee plastered ad paited, ut its still eautiful. actually there is more 'arcitecture' all alog the top that looks like stoe ad gilt ad statues, ut is really paited o, ad they paited eerythig it he dome i perspective so that they would look correct from the ottom istead of from where they were :) The we have the fiew from the top, it looks etter i perso, ut i thik this is the picture with st. steves i it. ad the me, i frot of the frescoes, It was so awesome to e that close to them i a dome, ecause people do't usually get to go up ito those.

This is the alter, is't it awesome? ecause this is a aroque there is a lot of clear glass ad clear light. Ad the alter is all gold ad such (its ehid the cadles, i like this picture you see). If ayody really wats to see the alter itself (which i dout), let me kow ad i'll put up oe of it aloe :)  I do't usually light alters cause they're guilted ad usy, this oe is simple ad very eautiful.

Afterwards I wet ack to the church ad did my homework o the reflectio pool, which was awesome. Its gorgeous. ad the these two older me came out with their violi ad accordia ad sigig. It was very vieese i thought ad it really made my afteroo etter. So after I was doe with my homeowrk i wet over ad gave them some moey. ad had my very first volutary germa coversatio. We talked aout music ad Hawaii, ad a lot of the time I could't tell what they were sayig, ut it was still very good :)

Ad this udereath is the church with its reflectig pool. It remids me of the taj mahal

Also, es first letter made it, ut it took 13 days from teh day it was postmarked. So eve with the messed up address, the package you set mom ad dad should make it ad theres o eed to paic if it takes forever :) Gute_ tag :D  oh ad thaks mom, i made a aked potato today ad everyody was like oh my gosh, that smells amazig. I kew cookig would e useful someday ;) ad I had people taste my li hig mui gummy ears, they did ot like them :D  that was pretty fuy too :)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Ok, I have give up o correctly positioig these pictures. The first oe is me with the rame that i foud i teh u-_ah_ (i a reasturat, do't worry). It was't really that good, ut it was ice to have some ormalish food. It was apparetly Japaese. Ad the fortue i my cookie was i Germa.  ext is a very ig cool castle at Forchestei. it was owed y the Esterhazys, the people who Hayde worked for. It was huge ad really well preserved. The oly castle that was't seiged whe the turks came through. Ad they have europes deepest well or somethig like that. he dropped water i it ad it splashed 5 secods later, so cool. The me i frot of Hayde Kirche. It is shaped like a moutai. whe people could't go o pilgrimages/crusades aymore (it got too dagerous) they decided to uild thigs to mimic holy places. This oe is supposed to look like Calvary, its gorgeous. The me o the reise_rad, asicly a very giat ferris wheel, which you ca see i the ext picture. it got kowcked over durig WWII. After that is ammuitio from teh castle we saw earlier, they are greatdes i elive, very ig greades?  The Kelly ad Mega as we waited for Do carlo to start outside the staats oper, pretty good opera :) I like the music. The last oe is me o the lookout over the city. Over the hills o my left (they did't make it ito this picture) the Christia relief army came durig the secod turkish seige to save the city.  Have a great day. sorry if you ca't see hte commet utto, i'm ot sure whats wrog with it yet :) if ayody has ay ideas (i tried the settigs uttos ad stuff already) let me kow.  Thaks!

Monday, September 21, 2009

1. My roommate kelly studying in one of our very deep window sills.

2. Me eating next to the really cool Austrian window and garden

3. Me in front of a very cool garbage disposal facility. 4. me in front of our Heuregin, where we at dinner Saturday. 4. Me with my very good white grape juice and Dr. Holmes (who tried but then decided not to bunny ear my picture)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

This is one of the only two parts of the original wall around Vienna that is left. It was torn down in the 1850s or so, right after a revolution. Franz Joseph realized that having a wall here made it more difficult to stop revolutions. Also, it didn't do anything for defense anymore because the city had grown so much, so they tore it down and built the Ringstrasse. That is where the opera, Parliament, City Hall etc. are now.

Dr. Holmes has finally found his place as the master of a Roman Villa

Carolyn and I under the Heathen Gate, it was built for Constantine II. Ad is very large, especially for out here I guess :) The next few are that area too mom, so the boys can see. This all used to be Carnuntum, it was the big Roman settlement out here. Then clockwise 1. People dressed up in Roman clothes, we're not sure how they got them :). 2. The restoration of what they think is the bath house. 3. a bedroom i the recreation of what they think one of the houses looks like. 4. some artifacts that they found i the ruins there. The new picture is their floor and wall heating system :)

More tourig

This is Schonrunn. It was the Hapsurg witer palace. You ca't take pictures iside, wie trauig. It's styled after Versilles, but its much smaller, much more practical. Maria Theresa and Marie Atoiette lived here. Awesome huh? They have a ig hall, kind of like the hall of mirrors, ut smaller, and I thought way more impressive. As I rememer the hall of mirrors was kinda, tarnished looking, this one has paintings on the ceiling that represent the provinces of austria and Maria Theresa's ruleing style, and they're still in really good shape. There are actually reovatios going on right now, so we got to see a little of how that goes too. I think my favorite room was this giant blue bedroom, I think it belonged to either Maria Theresa or Franz Joseph, one of those important people, but it was really pretty. You would have liked it too Mom, cause it was so blue. We're going back to the gardens next week, so I'll put those pictures up later.

I love stained glass here; it is so much lighter than I’ve seen other places. So we were talking about it in my art class and we think that cathedrals are really dark today, but I their time they were the lightest bulldogs there were, because most other buildings, if they had widows had really small ones that were always curtained. Also part of the phenomenon of stained glass is that it looks like nothing on the outside, but when you go in it lights up ad makes pictures, like magic. Cathedrals were supposed to e a representation of the heavenly city o earth. And apparently they went through a phase where they did pastel locks to let in even more light. This church is actually only 150 years old. It was commissioned y Maximilian (the one who eventually became emperor of Mexico and got executed) when his brother Franz Joseph, very important, almost got assassinated but didn’t. It’s called the Votiv church, like votive candles, I thanksgiving.

This is the first public drinking fountain we have seen in Vienna. It was very exciting, much more exciting than the church. That is Johann. His name is John but he has changed it for the purposes of Europe. He was among those who tried to use the fountain without a bottle. My picture of Megan didn’t turn out as well.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fially Restig

Ok, I'm ot goig to say much util my keys work. They go i ad out of workig, ad ow they're out :)

1. Me ad my wieerschitsel
2. kelly ad I waitig for our us
3. kelly waitig for our trai
4. we tired to go to er_tedakfest (thaksgivig) ad hit the thai festvial o accidet first :)
5. at er_teda_kfest a old woma made us ags, we're ot sure why :)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Cool Pretty things :)

We went and got ourselves registered with the Viennese government today, so they know we're here.  And then when we leave we'll have to unregister so they know we've left funny huh?  But this was in the courtyard, cute I think :)  Random statue that is probably a guy and little but.  Somebody hit Caleb for me :). 
This is a very pretty thing that we saw this morning.  I don't know what it is, but i'm going to ask Professor Holmes.  Update:  its of the marriage of Joseph and Mary.  The net is there to protect it from pigeon poop.  I liked the lighting :)

This is St. Stephens.  Beautiful, awesome, wow.  I'll go back and get some better pictures later.  My camera was fixing to die but definitely i'll be back.  Its so tall!  The taller tower is 137 meters.  I'm thinking its like 1 and a third football fields.  Its made out of limestone/sandstone or something.  It was really soft.  Like it feels soft, very organic. It is really soft so it gets dirty and polluted a lot and they're always cleaning it. It took 800 years to build and the glass is spectacular.  Its mostly pastel, because they decided they wanted light in it. 
I'm super tired, now we're hanging out in my professors apartment.  I'm too tired to tour :)  Also, I ate ketchup and mayo today, you should be proud.